Sometimes we make things harder for ourselves than they need to be. I know I do.
We think that network marketing is hard. You need to learn complicated sales strategies. Learn sales tricks. Abuse your friends and family with sales pitches.
It does not have to be that way.
The most successful people in our organization make sales by simply making a connection, listening, and offer solutions.
They see it as a great way to reach out to friends and family they have not talked to in ages or a way to connect with new friends and business connections.
Here are some opening lines delivered sincerely:
- Hi (name). It is been a long time. How are you doing in these interesting times?
- What is going on with you?
- How is (family member, friend, etc.)?
Simply have a conversation. If there is something that you believe you can help with, introduce the experience you have had and how that could relate to them.
Some of our most successful team members will lead with a story:
- You won’t believe what happened to me …
- I was suffering with X, now I feel much better …
- (Name) had a similar challenge to you. He tried the product and has tremendous results.
Personal testimonials and stories work best.
And sometimes the discussion with people turns to the product naturally.
We were talking with a friend. It turns out she had some stress in her life, was worried about her cancer returning, and wanted better skin so she could feel more confident dating again.
At one point she noticed a patch on my neck?
‘What’s that bandaidy thingy on your neck?’
When I explained about the patches and the results many have experienced she said,
‘I want that! I’m in!’
Simple conversations and sincere connections.
You can do it and have a lot of fun on the journey.
Your Healthy Wealthy Camper Success Team
Bonnie and Greg Dixon