Join Bonnie and Greg Dixon as they share ways for you to improve your health through exercise, diet, supplements, and phototherapy patches.
We will stream a short tip session every day.
Here is what to expect:
- Easy exercises from Greg that include Qi Gong moves and Yoga poses.
- Supplement recommendations from Bonnie.
- Recommended phototherapy patches to optimize health and reverse aging.
- Healthy recipes from Bonnie.
- Other health tips.
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Day 1 ~ Movement Exercise with QiGong and Yoga
Day 2 ~ LifeWave X39 and Y-Age Aeon Phototherapy Patches
LifeWave X39 activates copper peptide production, which in turn activates stem cells to repair and rejuvenates what needs attention. X39 helps the body heal itself. Aeon patches reduce stress and inflammation.
Together they form a powerful combination to restore optimal health. Learn More.
Day 3 ~ Emergen-C for Vitamin C
Emergen-C and similar products provide great health support as an important tool in your Travel Health Kit. Available almost everywhere and Amazon.
Day 4 ~ Get Out and Walk ~ Walking Poles
Walking in nature is great for health and soul. Bonnie talks about using walking poles to enhance the exercise benefits.
Here favourite poles are difficult to find in local stores. Available on Amazon.
Day 5 ~ Tapping the Body Electric
Today I am introducing a practice of tapping for fun and health. There are different ways you can think of this, including the Emptional Freedom Technique (EFT), Chakras, Meridians, Music, that the body is one big erogenous zone. You can have fun with this on your own or with a partner.
Day 6 ~ Pain Relief with IceWave Patches
LifeWave has an IceWave patch that reduces chronic and acute pain. Greg has had good results on a shoulder injury and one of our friends had nearly instant relief of pain that has resisted a range of therapies for many years.
Day 7 ~ Starting the Nitro Nutrition 21-Day Challenge
Bonnie and I are starting our 21-Day challenge that includes a delicious diet plan, Kyäni Nitro Nutrition, and exercise. We both have a lot of weight to lose. Let’s see how we do! Learn More about Kyäni.
Day 8 ~ Daily Meditation Practice
One of the best ways to start and end your day is with a meditation to help bring calm and clarity to your life. The simplest meditation is to simply sit quietly and pay attention to your breathing. You can also do that while walking.
One of the best recorded meditations is a 10-minute Meditation from Marie Forleo. The instructions are simple and the meditation music is fabulous.
The sanskrit mantra is So Hum Na Ma. It means honouring your essential creative being. Hum means “I Am That”.
Check out Marie’s introduction, the mediation, and a more edgy meditation at https://www.marieforleo.com/2015/11/meditation/