Your Journey to Health and Abundance

Category: LifeWave

Your Plan B or Plan A for Health and Retirement

Your Plan B or Plan A For Health and Retirement with Bonnie and Greg Dixon

The health services we have enjoyed are under stress, as are financial supports such as social security and support for veterans and retirees.

Bonnie and Greg Dixon talk about ways to secure your health and wellness when the government no longer does.

LifeWave products can provide health and wellness as your Plan B or Plan A.

Also, you may want to look at Plan B or Plan A for your financial wellness.

Learn more and make an appointment with Bonnie.

Don’t like meetings? LifeWave provides all you need for success.

This article is for you if you feel like you are spinning your wheels going to team meeting after team meeting and not making enough progress as a LifeWave brand ambassador.

Or you are looking for an alternative to what you are doing now.

Or perhaps you are spending a lot of time in networking meetings and presenting LifeWave to people who only want to present their stuff to you.

Good prospects in these meetings are few and far between.

There are a growing number of other LifeWave members in those meetings who switched from other companies. That says something!

Do You Need A Team?

Some people love the community of being on a team. Others do not.

The regime that works for the team that recruited you may not be what will work best for you.

And perhaps the only team you need to be on is Team LifeWave.

This article describes how the fabulous resources provided by LifeWave are enough for success with or without being on someone’s team.

The best often create their own team out of their tribe. You can too.

Are You In The Right Company?

LifeWave is for you if you sincerely believe:

  • The products are good and help people.
  • The company is reputable.
  • The compensation plan is good.
  • Support from the company is good.

After a few years as a member, I think LifeWave checks all those boxes✓

You can determine that for yourself with the following steps.

Are The Products For You?

Here are some sections on the LifeWave site to check out.

Note: Select your country and language first, as not all countries have all of the products.

Here is how LifeWave describes how the patches work:

There are more products other than the patches. However, the patches are unique to LifeWave and the main products people use.

The best way to test the products is to try them yourself. There is a money-back guarantee.

Telling others about the products will be much easier if you and your loved ones have personally experienced the benefits.

Is The Company Reputable?

Our experience has been good and Business For Home (BFH) gives LifeWave a AAA+ rating.

LifeWave Business Grade

Is The Compensation Plan Good?

Many people worldwide are doing very well as LifeWave brand ambassadors.

You can learn the details on the LifeWave site.

Here are my tips to maximize the compensation plan:

  1. Build your binary enrollment tree evenly by alternating left and right.
  2. Prioritize adding Builders to your team.
  3. Seek people who can understand the opportunity and run with it fast without lots of training. Everything they need for success is available through LifeWave.

Is that you?

Is The Support From LifeWave Good?

Almost everything you need to be successful is available on the website, the InTouch App, the LifeWave YouTube Channel, and Customer Support.

There are also live and online conferences and training events.

Also a newsletter with events and tips.

Here are some places to check out.

One of the best marketing tools is the free LifeWave InTouch app which puts almost everything you need for marketing success in your hands.

Here is the LifeWave Magazine:

Your Success Plan

Your success mostly depends on your comfort with the products and company overall.

Being on a team is great if you are having fun and having success.

If not, you can do it on your own or build a team that works for you.

I learned at in-person and online LifeWave events that there are many many different paths to success.

Or better yet, be a part of the Global LifeWave Team.

If you are ready, here is a button to join the LifeWave Team.

The Silver pack is a good place to try the products for individuals and the Gold pack is good for families. Some of the best deals are when you upgrade to the next pack. Start where you are comfortable.

Want to know more? Let’s chat.

Why LifeWave is Good Health and Good Business in 2024

Greg Dixon here. Bonnie and I have been part of the LifeWave community since 2021. Here is why I think LifeWave products are Good Health for anyone and being a brand ambassador can be Good Business for you.

Tip: You can select a language such as South Korean to read this page.
See the language selector top right.

Good Health

My understanding of how the LifeWave patches work is that they modify and reflect light emitted from the body (infra-red heat) to help the body function better.

One analogy is that of stimulating acupressure points on the body. The different patches are designed to deliver different health benefits.

We have experienced and witnessed many amazing results for people and I can confidently say the patches can contribute to living a healthy life.

Click Here to Discuss Experiences

Learn More at

Good Business

LifeWave has a five-star rating at and is one of the fastest-growing Network Marketing companies in 2024.

We and others on our team have had success. It is not for everyone, though it could be for you.

Our team provides a lot of training and support for your success.

Click Here to Discuss

If you know anyone with health challenges or anyone looking for a business opportunity.

Let’s chat.

LifeWave Countries

International Markets and Support

LifeWave is available in most countries with support in many languages.

You may know many people in your home country (whatever in the world that you are living) who are looking for good health, good business, or both (ideally!).

We can help you explore the possibilities for you and your family!

Click Here to Discuss

How LifeWave Phototherapy Patches Work with David Schmidt

This interview with David Schmidt by Alex Zeck provides a fascinating and comprehensive discussion of the research and product development that led to LifeWave phototherapy patches, how they work, and their health benefits.

Key points:

  • Light is an ancient form of energy essential to all life on Earth.
  • LifeWave phototherapy patches use light to stimulate the body’s natural healing systems.
  • The patches are applied to specific points on the body, and infrared light emitted by the body is reflected back into the tissue, stimulating the skin and specific regions of the brain.
  • The brain taps into the body’s own natural flow of energy to heal itself.
  • Phototherapy patches can counteract free radicals, damaging cell proteins and contributing to signs of aging.
  • LifeWave phototherapy patches promote an environment that enables the body to optimize its restorative powers.
  • These patches provide specific health benefits without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals.

Links mentioned:

  • Visit to find out more about their phototherapy patches.

Joining with the Silver Pack is a great way to try the patches.

We can help you choose the bests patches for the results you want.

THE Three Reasons Why You Need To Join Our LifeWave Team Now!

Here are the three reasons why you need to join our LifeWave team now!

1) Fabulous Health Benefits

The LifeWave phototherapy patches provide an unmatched ability to improve the health and wellness of you, your loved ones, and the people you want to serve.

2) Amazing Opportunity for Financial Freedom

Whether you want to have some spending cash, want to augment your current income, or grow a team to earn six or seven-figures, you can do that by simply sharing the health and wealth benefits with the people you want to serve.

We can introduce you to people on our team who are absolutely thriving financially.

You Can Do It Too!

3) Fun and Supportive Community

From us to our extended team, to the LifeWave corporate team, you are invited to join an amazing community.

Soar High With Our Team

We and the team are here to make sure you get up and running with the products, help you introduce LifeWave to others, and give you the training and support to build your own team.

Of course, there is a gold mine of other reasons to join our team.

These three are all your need.

The following presentation by our extended LifeWave team provides a great overview of the company, the products, health testimonials, and financial opportunities.

Please watch at your convenience.

We can meet with you after to answer your questions.

Where the Yi Goes, the Chi Flows ~ Patch Placement

Chi Hands

There is a whole art and science about where to place a LifeWave patch like X39 and Y-Age Aeon (two of my favourites).

The booklets and corporate videos tend favour the middle of body, especially below the navel and at the back of the neck.

Dr. Karen Kan and others like to apply the patches according to acupuncture meridian points.

Inventor David Schmidt has said you can apply them anywhere.

Some people have intuitively placed them where they are having issues. For example, on a knee that is sore and are reporting good results.

If I have a headache or feel like I need some calm, I will put a Y-Age Aeon patch on my forehead (middle-eye, pineal gland).

There is a saying in Taoist traditions that the Chi Flows where the Mind Goes. The intention leads the energy.

I think this comes into play with the LifeWave patches.

You can use the recommended placements. You can also try where your intuition suggests placing them.

Intention + Phototherapy = Healing Transformation

Learn more with our Healthy Wealthy Success Program.

Healthy Wealthy Success Program
Learn More

LifeWave Questions and Answers

Here are some answers to frequent questions asked about the LifeWave products and opportunities.

Why did you choose to join LifeWave?

  • We knew and trusted the person who introduced us to LifeWave.
  • Our goal is to improve our health and the health of others.
  • We want a portable way of creating income for ourselves and others.
  • The LifeWave products and compensation plan are solid.

Can the LifeWave phototherapy patches improve the health of myself and others?

Our experience, the research, and the testimonials of thousands of people suggest that phototherapy patches are likely to help you.

We suggest a balanced approach to your health, including:

  • A healthy diet.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Simple supplements such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Magnesium. A good quality multi-vitamin is a good start.
  • LifeWave patches according to your specific health challenges.

What are the best patches for me?

For most people, the foundation for overall health and wellness will be X39 plus Y-Age Aeon or the new X49.

Other patches are available for specific challenges.

For example, IceWave relieves pain. AcuLife helps horses and pets.

We can help you learn about the patches and applications through the LifeWave website and resources.

We can also introduce you to teammates with insights and experience to help recommend patches and protocols for you and your loved ones.

How do I make money sharing LifeWave?

The LifeWave compensation plan has many ways to earn money. Some are available on day one and others come from sharing and building a team.

  • Bonus from sponsoring customers or team members.
  • Volume commissions from people you have sponsored and people placed by others.
  • Matching bonuses on the commissions from people you have personally sponsored.
  • More …

What is the potential for me to earn money?

If you get on board with the benefits of the products and the company, the potential is unlimited.

There are many people in the organization and on our team who have earned or will earn six-figure and seven-figure incomes.

We are glad to share their blueprint for success with you and invite you to meetings where they share their approach.

Success requires strategy and action.

We help you with that.

You do not need to do it on your own.

What if LifeWave does not work out for me?

No problem. LifeWave is not for everyone. You can contact customer support and ask for a refund. Customers have 90 days. Team members have 30 days.

What training is available for patch usage?

There are mainly training resources available.

  • We can help you with the basics and point you to LifeWave training documents and videos.
  • Our team members willing to share their experience and insights.
  • Dr. Karen Kan and others share information about patching benefits and protocols.

How do I learn to have success as a team member?

  • We will work with you personally.
  • Attend team meetings, training sessions, and masterminds.
  • Join our Healthy Wealthy Success Program with many resources consolidated for your success.

Want to Learn More?

Healthy Wealthy Success Program
Join our Success Program for Free

The Magic of Threes for Introduction Clarity

Three horses on the ocean surf.
Clarify Your Intentions

Whether you are introducing a product like LifeWave, your product or service, or asking for a date, having an introduction strategy will greatly increase your success.

Most successful sales teams teach a standard way to do presentations and ask for a commitment for the next step.

In the sales world, you would call the system a form of scripting. You may have resistance to the words ‘sales’ and ‘scripting’.

So call it storytelling or conversation suggestions. Whatever you are comfortable with.

The main challenge with knowing what to say is that there is a range of starting points and a number of branches where a conversation could go.

A linear script will often be at odds with a natural flow of a conversation.

That means that you will need a number of responses to use according to what the prospect says or asks.

The following exercise steps you through a series of questions in threes to create a base to handle most of the conversations you are likely to have with a person.

Here it is.

What Are Your Three Reasons Why?

List three top reasons why you are introducing X to the person.

For example:

  • Improve health.
  • Create wealth.
  • Make money.
  • Help businesses succeed.
  • Improve the lives of people.
  • Find a romantic partner.
  • Save the planet




These three reasons require the most clarity. If you don’t have solid reasons, you will not likely have success with your goals.

What are the Three Main Things You Offer?

What are the three main things you offer to a potential client, team member, or date.




What Is Your Prospect Looking For?

What are the three main things the person you are talking to is looking for personally or professionally?




Does What You Offer Align With What They Are Looking For?

That is the rub. If what you are offering does not align with what the person is looking for in some meaningful way, you are probably barking up the wrong tree.

Sometimes we want people to want what we are offering and may think we know best for them.

Sure, try your introduction because you sometimes never know what will resonate with someone.

Still, you are likely better off introducing the offer to someone you think has wants and needs more aligned with what you offer.

Who Is Your Best Prospect?

Based on your interests, experience, connections, who are the top three kinds of people you want to approach? Here are some examples:

  • Individuals
  • Professionals
  • Small Companies
  • Large Companies
  • Organizations

Write down your top three and circle one.




LifeWave Introduction Example

Let’s run through the series of Magic of Three for LifeWave.

Here are our three reasons why we promote LifeWave products and opportunities:

  1. Have good health for ourselves and others.
  2. Generate income for ourselves and others.
  3. Create Financial freedom.

Here are the three things we offer related to LifeWave:

  1. Tremendous phototherapy patches that have provided amazing health benefits for ourselves, people we know, and thousands of others throughout the LifeWave community.
  2. A good compensation plan that can enable a team member to pay for their products in a short time with the ability to create a six or seven figure income over time.
  3. Leadership and Distributor support through our personal attention, training, Healthy Wealthy Success Program, and the resources of our extended LifeWave team.

Here are what our best prospects are looking for:

  1. A way to help themselves and others to have better health.
  2. A way to create a good income stream through Network Marketing.
  3. Tools and training to become a great leader for their own LifeWave team.

Here are the kinds of people we are looking for :

  • Individuals that have good leadership potential.
  • Professionals that can use LifeWave products in their health practice.
  • Professionals who work with horses and a community of horse owners.

Is that you?

Here are your next steps:

Let’s get you Healthy and Wealthy!

Healthy Wealthy Success Program
Healthy Wealthy Success Program

The Healthy Travel Kit

As a former traveling sales lady I made sure to have many of these essential items in my travel kit. It is worth the time and energy to create your kit and bring it with you whenever you travel. 

Make the kit at home and depending on the length of your trip you can use Monday through Sunday pill containers for just a few of each capsule. Just use a label maker to mark the sections of the container.

Many of these items are found in your local health food store, pharmacy and even the grocery store. 


Nothing worse than a digestive upset while away from home. A few of these items on hand will soothe your tummy. 

Probiotics to keep the digestive system healthy.

NOW Super Enzymes with meals. 

If you feel queasy: Candied Ginger for digestion after a meal.

If you are gassy: Activated Charcoal for tummy upset and gas. 

Fresh Bananas or Carob powder are helpful if you get diarrhea. 


This has the best remedy to have in your purse in case of a fall or twisting an ankle. I take the tabs or pellets and also put the gel on the body part that is hurting. Tada quick relief. 

Arnica gel or cream and Arnica pellets 30 C for bumps and bruises and headaches. 


I love and keep Oscillococcinum for flu symptoms in my purse and in the medicine cabinet. Take it at the first sign of the flu. Comes in packages of 6, 12 and 30. Comes in small tubes. Open a tube and place content under tongue and allow to dissolve. Do not eat or drink for 15 minutes. Use it when you feel a headache, stomach upset, just that feeling of oh no am I getting the flu?  


Peppermint Oil for headache,I love the DoTerra Brand.

Holy Basil or Tulsi Essential Oil to awaken your senses- use it for those long driving days. 

Lavender Oil for calming and headaches. 

Neroli Oil for anxiety and stress.


NO JET LAG homeopathic remedy for Jet Lag. 

Emergen-C or Ener-C vitamin packets energizing and immune protective. If I feel a cold coming on I take 2 packets at once. Great in warm water too!


Colloidal Silver Spray great to spray your hands and nose on a plane.

Silver gel or cream for cuts

Natural Hand Sanitizer Spray or wipes for plane and hotels


Wellness Formula, Source Naturals

Elderberry Capsules Natures Way, often used for flu.

Echinacea Immune Support, Yogi Tea  overall protection

Ricola Throat Lozenges with Vitamin C 

Zand Elderberry Zinc Lozenges

Oil of Oregano, liquid or capsules 

Anti-V Capsules Natural Factors

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Liquid or capsule, Nutribiotic


Rescue Remedy drops or lozenges, I love the Red Currant Flavor.

Natural Vitality Calm Powder 

Historical Remedies Homeopathic Stress Mints


All Terrain, Herbal Armor, Natural Insect Repellent

Alba Botanica Natural Hawaiian Sunscreen SPF 45

Similasan Complete Eye Relief Eye Drops

Water Purifier -LifeStraw Go Water Filter Bottle with 2-Stage Integrated Filter Straw for Hiking, Backpacking, and Travel

Videos That Tell the Story of Health and Wealth for You

Our favorite LifeWave videos about the LifeWave wearable technology, and for those looking for an online business opportunity that spans over 80 countries.

More videos are available upon request men’s health, women’s health, healthy skin, and more.

How LifeWave Phototherapy Patches Work
LifeWave Connect Product Webinar with CEO David Schmidt on IceWave for physical suffering
LifeWave Alavida Skin Care Products
Tina Colter shares how to use LIFEWAVE patches to reduce inflammation in horses.
The LifeWave Business Opportunity for You
Emily Hollingshead Explains the Compensation Plan
The Power of the LifeWave InTouch App ~ Marketing at your Fingertips
How to Enroll as a Brand Partner

If you have made it this far, you know a lot about lifeWave and whether or not it is for you.

Your Healthy Wealthy Camper Success Team
Bonnie and Greg Dixon