There is a whole art and science about where to place a LifeWave patch like X39 and Y-Age Aeon (two of my favourites).
The booklets and corporate videos tend favour the middle of body, especially below the navel and at the back of the neck.
Dr. Karen Kan and others like to apply the patches according to acupuncture meridian points.
Inventor David Schmidt has said you can apply them anywhere.
Some people have intuitively placed them where they are having issues. For example, on a knee that is sore and are reporting good results.
If I have a headache or feel like I need some calm, I will put a Y-Age Aeon patch on my forehead (middle-eye, pineal gland).
There is a saying in Taoist traditions that the Chi Flows where the Mind Goes. The intention leads the energy.
I think this comes into play with the LifeWave patches.
You can use the recommended placements. You can also try where your intuition suggests placing them.
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