Do you want a great experience for you and your patients?
Bonnie and Greg Dixon talk about how LifeWave combines the reality of science with the imagination of innovation to offer the only wearable health technology that harnesses your body’s natural properties of relief, improvement, and performance.
Their team includes nurses, doctors, chiropractors, and other health professionals. The technology can help in dental practices too.
Bonnie and Greg discuss how LifeWave light patch technology can benefit both the practitioner and the patient.
In their own words, ‘LiveGood brings you the most advanced nutritional supplements on the market, made with only the purest, highest quality, results-driven ingredients on the planet, without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies.’
[Martha is a fictional name used for discussion. My apologies to all the real Martha’s in the world]
One of the least endearing habits of people in Multiple Level Marketing companies to prevaricate when asked if their MLM is an MLM.
Some will try to throw it back at the prospect:
Why do you ask?
Have you had a bad experience with an MLM?
Or they indulge in sophism to explain why their MLM is not an MLM.
It is not really MLM because of X.
Why deny your MLM is a MLM?
In their heart of hearts, they must know that they joined the company because it is an MLM. Otherwise, they would simply be recommending a product or service instead of asking people to join their team.
And the person asking may be looking for an MLM, so being evasive will put them off.
But my company isn’t an MLM company, you protest!
Well, let’s look at the facts, Martha, using LifeWave as an example.
You are introducing a company and its products to someone. Like the word or not, that is marketing.
The first thing you see when joining is a range of startup kits, such as bronze, silver or gold.
More than one. Multiple.
Then the compensation plan shows different ranks such as Manager, Director, and Senior Director with how much money you can earn in weekly commissions at each rank.
More than one level. Multiple levels.
You will have a sponsor who has a sponsor.
You hope to sponsor people who will sponsor others.
All are represented in a binary tree.
Multiple levels.
Then there are matching bonuses multiple levels deep.
At this point you could be saying:
Yes, Martha, this is an MLM. And that is great for you!
So embrace your MLM and celebrate!
Yes, there are questionable MLMs out there and some are hard to make money with them.