Healthy Wealthy Camper

Your Journey to Health and Abundance

Your Plan B or Plan A for Health and Retirement

Your Plan B or Plan A For Health and Retirement with Bonnie and Greg Dixon

The health services we have enjoyed are under stress, as are financial supports such as social security and support for veterans and retirees.

Bonnie and Greg Dixon talk about ways to secure your health and wellness when the government no longer does.

LifeWave products can provide health and wellness as your Plan B or Plan A.

Also, you may want to look at Plan B or Plan A for your financial wellness.

Learn more and make an appointment with Bonnie.

Don’t like meetings? LifeWave provides all you need for success.

This article is for you if you feel like you are spinning your wheels going to team meeting after team meeting and not making enough progress as a LifeWave brand ambassador.

Or you are looking for an alternative to what you are doing now.

Or perhaps you are spending a lot of time in networking meetings and presenting LifeWave to people who only want to present their stuff to you.

Good prospects in these meetings are few and far between.

There are a growing number of other LifeWave members in those meetings who switched from other companies. That says something!

Do You Need A Team?

Some people love the community of being on a team. Others do not.

The regime that works for the team that recruited you may not be what will work best for you.

And perhaps the only team you need to be on is Team LifeWave.

This article describes how the fabulous resources provided by LifeWave are enough for success with or without being on someone’s team.

The best often create their own team out of their tribe. You can too.

Are You In The Right Company?

LifeWave is for you if you sincerely believe:

  • The products are good and help people.
  • The company is reputable.
  • The compensation plan is good.
  • Support from the company is good.

After a few years as a member, I think LifeWave checks all those boxes✓

You can determine that for yourself with the following steps.

Are The Products For You?

Here are some sections on the LifeWave site to check out.

Note: Select your country and language first, as not all countries have all of the products.

Here is how LifeWave describes how the patches work:

There are more products other than the patches. However, the patches are unique to LifeWave and the main products people use.

The best way to test the products is to try them yourself. There is a money-back guarantee.

Telling others about the products will be much easier if you and your loved ones have personally experienced the benefits.

Is The Company Reputable?

Our experience has been good and Business For Home (BFH) gives LifeWave a AAA+ rating.

LifeWave Business Grade

Is The Compensation Plan Good?

Many people worldwide are doing very well as LifeWave brand ambassadors.

You can learn the details on the LifeWave site.

Here are my tips to maximize the compensation plan:

  1. Build your binary enrollment tree evenly by alternating left and right.
  2. Prioritize adding Builders to your team.
  3. Seek people who can understand the opportunity and run with it fast without lots of training. Everything they need for success is available through LifeWave.

Is that you?

Is The Support From LifeWave Good?

Almost everything you need to be successful is available on the website, the InTouch App, the LifeWave YouTube Channel, and Customer Support.

There are also live and online conferences and training events.

Also a newsletter with events and tips.

Here are some places to check out.

One of the best marketing tools is the free LifeWave InTouch app which puts almost everything you need for marketing success in your hands.

Here is the LifeWave Magazine:

Your Success Plan

Your success mostly depends on your comfort with the products and company overall.

Being on a team is great if you are having fun and having success.

If not, you can do it on your own or build a team that works for you.

I learned at in-person and online LifeWave events that there are many many different paths to success.

Or better yet, be a part of the Global LifeWave Team.

If you are ready, here is a button to join the LifeWave Team.

The Silver pack is a good place to try the products for individuals and the Gold pack is good for families. Some of the best deals are when you upgrade to the next pack. Start where you are comfortable.

Want to know more? Let’s chat.

Wearable Light Technology for Dentists and other Healthcare Professionals

Do you want a great experience for you and your patients?

Bonnie and Greg Dixon talk about how LifeWave combines the reality of science with the imagination of innovation to offer the only wearable health technology that harnesses your body’s natural properties of relief, improvement, and performance.

Their team includes nurses, doctors, chiropractors, and other health professionals. The technology can help in dental practices too.

Bonnie and Greg discuss how LifeWave light patch technology can benefit both the practitioner and the patient.

Want to learn more? Connect with Bonnie Dixon.

Want to check out the products on your own?

How To Provide Health And Wellness For Your Loved Ones While Building A Business Team

Join Bonnie Dixon as she presents how to improve the health and wellness of your loved ones while building a business team.

Bonnie Dixon presents How to Provide Health and Wellness for Your Loved Ones

Watch the Presentation On LinkedIn

This is for you if you are an ambassador with one of the many worthy health and wellness companies or looking for one that is the perfect opportunity for you.

Book an appointment with Bonnie to learn more at

Why LifeWave is Good Health and Good Business in 2024

Greg Dixon here. Bonnie and I have been part of the LifeWave community since 2021. Here is why I think LifeWave products are Good Health for anyone and being a brand ambassador can be Good Business for you.

Tip: You can select a language such as South Korean to read this page.
See the language selector top right.

Good Health

My understanding of how the LifeWave patches work is that they modify and reflect light emitted from the body (infra-red heat) to help the body function better.

One analogy is that of stimulating acupressure points on the body. The different patches are designed to deliver different health benefits.

We have experienced and witnessed many amazing results for people and I can confidently say the patches can contribute to living a healthy life.

Click Here to Discuss Experiences

Learn More at

Good Business

LifeWave has a five-star rating at and is one of the fastest-growing Network Marketing companies in 2024.

We and others on our team have had success. It is not for everyone, though it could be for you.

Our team provides a lot of training and support for your success.

Click Here to Discuss

If you know anyone with health challenges or anyone looking for a business opportunity.

Let’s chat.

LifeWave Countries

International Markets and Support

LifeWave is available in most countries with support in many languages.

You may know many people in your home country (whatever in the world that you are living) who are looking for good health, good business, or both (ideally!).

We can help you explore the possibilities for you and your family!

Click Here to Discuss

Health Products for a Healthy Wealthy Life and Laptop Freedom

Bonnie Dixon was in the natural health industry for decades. Here is the broadcast discussion on Wednesday, October 4 at 1 pm Pacific:

View On LinkedIn

Here are two companies offering fabulous health products that work together.

LifeWave Patches

LifeWave is a company based in the United States that offers a range of patches that use the body’s own light to stimulate acupuncture points.

Here are some of the benefits presented on the LifeWave website:

The website has information on patching.

Here are the products available in Canada.

The products are available in most countries and the products offered can vary country by country.

Greg and Bonnie have been using the patches for three years and have seen tremendous health benefits for themselves and for others.

They are also Brand Ambassadors and would love for you to join their team.

Book a time with Bonnie to discuss.

LifeGood Health Supplements

In their own words, ‘LiveGood brings you the most advanced nutritional supplements on the market, made with only the purest, highest quality, results-driven ingredients on the planet, without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies.’

Visit the LiveGood Website

The products are competitively priced and conveniently delivered to your door.

Like LifeWave, LiveGood is also a referral marketing opportunity with the potential to generate a Laptop Freedom Lifestyle for you.

Book a time with Greg to discuss.

Copywriting and Marketing for Laptop Freedom with Bonnie and Greg Dixon

One of the best ways to earn money with a laptop and an Internet connection is through Copywriting and Marketing.

View and Comment on YouTube ~ September 20 at 2 pm Pacific

Here are some reasons why learning copywriting and marketing skills can create financial freedom for you from anywhere in the world.

  1. They are useful skills that you can apply to any business you are involved with.
  2. There is a huge demand for in-house and freelance writers and marketers.
  3. Relatively easy to learn and start.
  4. You will always be learning and improving.

Ways to Earn Money

Here are some of the myriad ways to earn money through copywriting and marketing.

  • Write and Sell Your Own Book
  • Travel Writing and Photography
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media posts
  • Landing Pages
  • Sales Funnels
  • Affiliate Promotions for Other Peoples’s Products
  • Courses and Memberships
  • Money-Making Websites
  • Reviews
  • Case Studies
  • Documentation
  • Product Catalogs
  • Publicity Assets
  • Video Scripts
  • Audio Scripts
  • Much Much More …!

Where To Learn Copywriting and Marketing

Dan Kennedy sent me to the American Writer’s and Artist Institute (AWAI) as the best place to learn.

I have been a member for nearly a decade and have attended two Copywriting Bootcamps in Delray Beach, Florida.

They have hundreds of programs to take you from Beginner to Master.

Download the Free AWAI Blueprint For Becoming A Well-Paid Writer

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon offer a full range of services from help planning, writing, and publishing your book to Copywriting and Marketing.

Learn more at

Book a discovery call with Greg Dixon at

How LifeWave Phototherapy Patches Work with David Schmidt

This interview with David Schmidt by Alex Zeck provides a fascinating and comprehensive discussion of the research and product development that led to LifeWave phototherapy patches, how they work, and their health benefits.

Key points:

  • Light is an ancient form of energy essential to all life on Earth.
  • LifeWave phototherapy patches use light to stimulate the body’s natural healing systems.
  • The patches are applied to specific points on the body, and infrared light emitted by the body is reflected back into the tissue, stimulating the skin and specific regions of the brain.
  • The brain taps into the body’s own natural flow of energy to heal itself.
  • Phototherapy patches can counteract free radicals, damaging cell proteins and contributing to signs of aging.
  • LifeWave phototherapy patches promote an environment that enables the body to optimize its restorative powers.
  • These patches provide specific health benefits without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals.

Links mentioned:

  • Visit to find out more about their phototherapy patches.

Joining with the Silver Pack is a great way to try the patches.

We can help you choose the bests patches for the results you want.

Explore Stunning San Diago Attractions ~ Sunny Southern California

Coronado Beach Lighthouse
Explore Southern California

For Canadians — where much of the country has eight months of winter and four months of bad sledding (changing due to global warming).

Southern California can be
the place to be in November!

San Diego possibly has the best yearly weather in North America, rarely too hot or too cold.

The montage above shows many great places to visit. There are many more.

Southern California Montage

Other travel adventures:

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